Listen, we all need a little direction sometimes.

The Healthy Life Mindset process helps you reset your schedule, get focused, and find

a greater life balance. It is easier than you think – come try it!


A Healthy Life Mindset?

We’ve all set goals throughout our lives. Plans for our future. Dreams for ourselves.

Whether by fate or by choice, these plans have changed and evolved through the years,

to bring us where we are today.

The Healthy Life Mindset is a state of mind and a state of being. It’s a point in your life when you

pause long enough to ask a few basic questions:

How do I feel today?

What are my highest life values?

How well do my daily actions align with these values?

What’s one simple step I can take today to improve the way I feel?

And then you listen to your thoughts – to your gut. And then you act.

But that’s the hardest part of all – you’ve got to act

And this process of action creates your Healthy Life Mindset.




Are you an organized, successful person where a quick accountability check-in could give you that added push to stretch your limits a little? I have recently partnered with a brilliant startup called Upways (see – and in 15 min. just 2-3x/week our goal is to keep you on track and accountable to your stretch goals. It’s a brilliant model and it is working for successful execs who want to improve their physical fitness, and software engineers who want to improve their EQ. Call or text me at 406-334-3625 for a complimentary chat. And visit for rates and more details.



Carol Dwek coined the phrase “Growth Mindset” in 1980. It refers to those who believe they can learn through every stage of their lives. And studies have shown this mindset proves true. It’s like the famous saying “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!” When you can focus on a want, a wish, or a goal, and take the action steps to move forward, your odds of achieving this goal or ideal outcome are exponentially more likely. My 45-for -Focus sessions block enough time each week to do just this – with intention, with support and practical tools to keep you actively moving forward. With focus! Just $199 gives you 4 sessions per month. Call or text me at 406-334-3625 to find out more.


My 90-day Breakthrough program brings accountability and focus with a firm deadline. It’s 3 months of action and results. The Breakthrough is ideal for those who are clear on their goal but want to get there in a direct and efficient way. Like the 45-for-Focus, I share the 360 Circle, a 3-step action plan process, and we quite literally begin with the end in mind. And proceed with the end in mind, through a consistent and action-based process. We meet once a week, I hold you accountable to that week’s steps, and the action process gets you to the finish line. You do the work, and you will reach the finish line! Please call or text me at 406-334-3625 for a free Q&A.


Every client receives a published copy of all tools and resources.

  • Beautiful 30-page booklet with all of the session notes, tools and resources used during your program.

  • Printed copies of your session notes.

  • High-quality color copies of all tools and relevant articles and coaching models shared – for your continued use.

  • A summary of links to all selected podcasts, TEDTalks, YouTube trainings and blogs for future reference.

  • A $49 value when I print for group trainings. Excellent tangible guide for your future reference and refresh!

Trish became my life coach during a difficult and dark time in my life. Circumstances and my own bad choices and some unclear thinking seemed to conspire to back me into a corner. I felt trapped. Through our regular sessions, Trish helped me break down my seeming mountain of problems into manageable pieces, and suggested step-by-step solutions.

Trish helped me create a timeline and choose smaller, gradual steps that all felt more manageable to me and got me moving along the path to relocate. She made the process move so much faster than it otherwise would have, and even reminded me several times along the way to stop and celebrate each step I had achieved.

Trish’s practical advice, support, and encouragement through my two-year period of challenges became a lifeline of hope for me when I needed it most. I believe others will absolutely get a great deal out of working with Trish too!
Julie Haas

Portland, Oregon


Join our live group coaching e-sessions! 60-minute group sessions, 2x/month. Our small coaching circles (maximum 8 participants) meet twice a month via webinar sessions. Join our rise-and-shine team from 7am to 8am OR our after-hours team from 7pm to 8pm. One-on-one sessions are available at alternate times and days of the week.


  • 2x/month 60-minute coach-led, group-chosen focus with open discussions.

  • Coach-initiated questions, group problem-solving process through each person’s unique life experience-sharing.

  • Group must collectively agree on topics, life challenges, to be discussed.

  • All coaching materials, additional expert resources (books, e-videos, etc.) specific to each Coaching Circle’s focus or WHY, plus my exclusive “Time-Blocking” process – provided for this Group Coaching series.

$79/month = two 60-minute interactive, “high-focus” sessions per month, plus all coaching materials and resources – prepared exclusively for your team’s chosen WHY.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”


– C.S. Lewis

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